Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blogging in Contemporary American Lit

Here is how this feature of the class is described in the syllabus:

Analytical blogging (25%): In face-to-face classes I sometimes ask students to keep a journal. This journal is not a spill-your-intimate-secrets kind of diary but rather a place for students to identify narrowly-focused topics they want to discuss in some detail and then analyze them. To “analyze” ( is to perform a rational action, not an emotional response. You will analyze some small aspect of the text to show that you can think critically about the constituent parts of a text (e.g., character, imagery, narrative structure, etc.), ask meaningful questions about the text and apply your skills and imagination to figuring out how they work. Instead of writing these ideas in a journal, you will post them to a blog that you will set up at Google’s blog site: If you already have a Gmail account, this will take less time, but if you don’t, it still won’t take you more than about 20 minutes to set up your blog.

In this blog, every other week, you will post a short essay (about 500 words) as described above. You will end up with a total of five (5) short essays, but you may do more if you like. You may choose not to make your blog available to the whole world, but you must make it available to the people in the class, including me, of course. In these short essays (the quality of your writing will count here), you can explore or respond to issues and aspects of the text that go beyond the class discussion that will take place in our discussion board. In the discussion board in our class, I set the topics or ask the questions, and then students discuss among themselves. In your blog, you will set the topic and show us your thought processes and ideas and your classmates and I can come in and comment on what you’ve taught us or shown us in a new way. This will be a learning experience for me, too; and I will participate with my own blog that you are welcome to visit.

The rest of what I have to say here is, first, some background on my thinking about how blogging can enrich our course and, second, some more specific guidance to the class about how to use their blogs.

Why I Decided to Initiate Blogging in This Class

In my online classes of the past, I have had three kinds of writing assignments: discussion board posting/response, formal papers, and research papers. The first is a dialogue among everyone in the class on a relatively well-defined topic. The second has usually been an assignment done by the student alone and read by me, then returned to the student with feedback. The third has been a conventional, formal assignment requiring original research and the demonstration of the ability to access appropriate and varied research tools. This has also been a communication from the student to me and then I return the papers with feedback and that’s the end of it.

The formal paper and the research paper are assignments whose utility I’ve grown to question, particularly in online classes. While they do tell me some things about students’ capabilities, they don’t seem to foster more learning and whatever learning students do achieve in the assignments is not shared with their classmates.

We are a “community” of learners, so how can we best use the technology at our disposal to learn—as a community--from one another and to squeeze as much use as possible out of these interesting tools that we have, literally, at our fingertips?

One particular professor at Pace, Dr. Andres Villagra, a professor of Spanish who has taught on both campuses, has used blogs and wikis in his class for several years now and, in multiple discussions, was able to help me think through some of the ways in which blogging (I’m not ready for wikis yet!) could help students learn more and learn more from each other, and could still allow me to assess their ability to think analytically about literature and communicate their ideas effectively. That appealed to me because the formal papers and research papers of the past have ceased to satisfy me as learning tools. Another thing he mentioned to me is that in the blogs used by his advanced Spanish students, he has seen great improvement in their writing because they know their writing can be seen by the public and they take more time to get it right. Writing improvement is a stated objective of this class, so I find this very appealing.

One thing I had some trouble understanding is why the course discussion board isn’t the same thing as a blog. I see now, though, that the discussion board is an area for preliminary discussion and sharing of ideas and that it is protected from public view. It is only accessible to people in our class. I see the blog as a place where ideas that are sparked in the discussion board can be further developed and can be shared with the general public, as well as classmates. Students are not encouraged to write long, well-developed essays in the discussion board, but the blog is an ideal place for that.

I see the blogs students have set up as replacing the formal paper and as a place where ideas can be weighed and discussed not just among class participants but with a wider audience. We can break out of the Blackboard confines and take some risks in putting our ideas in a public place. In our blogs, we will publish our ideas, put new information in circulation.

How To Use Your Blog in This Course

The five essays you will post in the blog will be, at minimum, 500 words each. Each will be focused on some narrow aspect of one of our texts (see Weekly Assignments in the syllabus for due dates), an aspect that grabbed your attention and about which you want to do some detailed speculation.

Your short essays will be original, well-expressed and informed by your understanding of the texts and of the ideas behind this course in Contemporary American Literature.

You will be expressing your own point of view and will “speak” in your own voice to an audience you want to persuade to your way of thinking. You will want to impress your public with the maturity of your thought and clarity of communication.

Some examples of what you might do here:

  • Deeply analyze a visual image in a text, looking at it from multiple angles and considering its role in the text
  • Connect an immediate issue pulled from today’s headlines with a narrow feature of a text
  • Question why the ending of a text left you feeling unsatisfied and consider whether that might be the author’s intention
  • Connect an aspect of the text to a single relevant “PoMo” quality such as non-linearity or pastiche

Post your five essays, but you also may want to use your blog to share ideas or questions about the reading for which there’s no space in the class discussion board. These need not be formal essays; they might be just some immediate personal thoughts, thoughts that might later be developed into essays. Open your blog for comments, so others can help you refine your thinking or enrich the process. List your blog in the Blogger directory to get more traffic.

Customize your blog! Put up a picture and shape the appearance of the blog to suit your purpose. It’s not Facebook and shouldn’t have that personal, informal tone, but that doesn’t mean it can’t express your personality. Consider the look of your blog and choose a template that expresses your own style but does not overwhelm your writing.

The Future of These Blogs

For this semester, what goes on in the blogs should be relevant to this course. Beyond this semester, though, you may have other uses for the blogs you’ve started. For instance, you might consider using your blog as a writing portfolio to display your best work for future employers, for professors who will be writing your recommendations, or for graduate school admission.

I appreciate your patience in reading through my thoughts about how blogging might enrich our course. I wanted to share with you the pedagogical and practical thinking that went into my decision to introduce blogging to the course. You are not in it alone. I will be learning how to use this technology to express my thought process and to communicate my ideas right along with you. We’ll critique this technology at the end of the semester and determine whether I should make some changes in the future and whether using this technology has, in fact, enriched students’ experience and helped them gain a new and useful skill.

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